September 14, 2022

Finding the Perfect Private Investigator

Photo of the owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
Victor Elbeze
Lead Investigator & Owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
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    You want to hire a private detective, but you don't know if it's a good idea or how to go about it? Do not panic! Let's discover the five crucial steps to find and work with the private detective best suited to your situation.

    Analyze your situation

    Above all, it is essential to determine why you need the services of a private investigator. Personal business? Professional?

    Find out on the internet.

    Thanks to the internet, you will have access to all the necessary contacts: all the law firms

    private detectives around you, the opinions of previous customers, their number


    Choose a firm that has already handled your type of case.

    It is always interesting to get closer to a firm that has already dealt with cases similar to yours: experiences, the methodology will be more beneficial.

    Choose a private investigator according to your budget and the expected profit.

    If you have a small budget to allocate to the services of a private investigator, try, above all, with the investigator to estimate what you will have to gain thanks to his assistance. Indeed, it may be more interesting to choose a private investigator with low fees if the expected earnings are down and choose a better – and more expensive – firm if you expect profits from this investigation that are much higher than the fees.

    Estimate the urgency of your situation and choose a firm accordingly

    Indeed, spinning can belong, very long

     It is essential to have this data in mind: Building a file on an employee can take some time depending on the client's request and whether it is easy to track the individual. It is essential to plan and know this data, especially if we have an urgent need in this register.

    Why it's easier to know the truth with a private detective

    To what extent is it easier to access the truth about some instances with a private investigator than without?

    They are  professionals stalking.

    Following someone and discovering activities that this person did not particularly want to set up is a real job, where adrenaline, quality of follower, and discretion are required. It is not easy to track a person over long distances (sometimes several hundred Miles).

    They surround themselves with the right people.

    Suppose the detective acts on his own to solve cases. In that case, he also knows how to surround himself with the right people to obtain more results, whether in the real world (traders, authority services, etc.) and virtual (experts, computers, hackers, etc.)

    They spend whole hours there.

    As this is the main activity of private detectives, these people have all their time to devote to these different files. Even on weekdays, they can therefore collect much more information than if we proceeded to a simple spinning of an hour on a Saturday afternoon!

    They have already had similar cases.

    If each case is unique, the private detective is often assigned substantially similar issues, allowing him to know more about how to collect information. Whether in personal life (couple, friends, etc.) or the professional world, the private investigator knows exactly the most optimal way to obtain accurate information, information that will allow a final verdict when writing the summary document given to the client.

     For more information on how to contract a private investigator, contact Universal Investigations Agency, Inc. today at (954) 305-6275

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    By Victor Elbeze Lead Investigator & Owner ofUniversal Investigations Agency, Inc.

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