August 24, 2024

New partner: a "Due Diligence " survey is needed!

Photo of the owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
Victor Elbeze
Lead Investigator & Owner of Universal Investigations Agency, Inc.
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    A professional association is also an economic and personal investment; certain precautions must be taken!


    When you want to associate with a person as part of a business creation project or to integrate a new employee into an already existing company, a private detective agency can benefit the search. Discrete information to avoid future disappointments!


    A choice that involves:


    Joining a new partner is not a trivial act, and the decision should not be taken lightly. This can turn out to be a perfect strategy for developing your business. Indeed, when several people have financial obligations towards a company, they have a common goal: to promote growth and investments.


    Co-management has other advantages. The various associates enrich access to business skills and technical knowledge.


    For the partnership to run smoothly, you must ensure that you agree with the principles of the future partner.


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    ● Common values:


    Trust, ethics, and even personality are vital points that should attract your full attention. Beware of associates who cheat you by selling you skills or a client file that they do not have.


    Before embarking on a business, it is imperative to assess all the risks you will have to assume. If your future partner has already been involved in criminal proceedings, this could, for example, prevent your company from obtaining licenses or authorizations.


    In addition, a partner's tax issues could also impact your business.


    A wrong decision in choosing a partner can lead to a conflict or a legal battle, which will inevitably lead to financial damage and a waste of time for the development of your business. The association will then fail.


    It is necessary to check the background of your future partner or an entity with which you will establish a commercial relationship.Indeed, the financial stakes are very often high.


    ● Check his professional past:


    A detective firm will help you validate the professional past of your future partner and will accompany you in the essential checks(beyond analyzing his career on his Linked in page!).

    An entrepreneur needs to protect himself and guarantee the excellent reputation of his business. Proactive measures must be taken so that the business partnership is transparent and takes place under the best conditions. Suppose your next partner is in the habit of harassing his staff or subcontractor collaborators and arrives in your company sowing discord. In that case, it is vital to know this before the association.



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    ● Check your financial situation:


    Partnering to buy, maintain, or grow a business is valuable to increase your cash flow. It is helpful to know if your future partner will be able to invest when the time comes. A background check may reveal any negative financial situation. Bad credit, bankruptcy, a lawsuit in progress, or even a legal history in the past can testify to a future partnership that is useless and effective or even dangerous.


    Knowing his information can also allow you to discuss it with your future partner or see if he is deliberately hiding it and lying to you.


    ● Trust does not exclude control:


    Be careful; many scammers play on the feeling of trust and your good faith. Trust is essential when collaborating, and it must be reciprocal. If a prospective partner isn't telling you the truth about their background, they may not be aren’t in a partnership or hide specific facts.Future partners must immediately put their cards on the table and be honest.


    You can tell your future partner that you must carry out certain customary checks, and you can encourage him to do the same for you! Of course, checks must be proportionate to the stakes and not violate privacy.


    To present themselves in the best possible way, some people may be led, not necessarily in a logic of deception, to omit some aspects of their professional career or amplify specific skills. It is essential to be discerning to distinguish lying from omission.


    ● A long-term vision:


    A long-term business strategy is key to its success. Does your future partner have the same vision as you in planning?


    Has your future partner ever been involved in a business, investment, or personal issue that does not meet your ethical standards? If this turns out to be the case, this should alarm you. Indeed, it could harm the reputation or profitability of your business. An OSINT survey can be effective in finding out a little more about the future partner’s interests, shared values ​​, and habits. It is essential before associating to know some subjective elements to choose knowingly.


    Has your future partner ever played a role in managing a failing company or even in a payment default vis-à-vis suppliers?


    Is he still a stakeholder, particularly in a company’ s capital facing commercial and legal problems?


    These questions will allow you to understand your potential collaborator's profile better.


    ● The image on social networks:


    It's a good idea to do a social media survey to determine if your prospective partner has any activities, affiliations, or prospects that you don't prefer to associate your business with. A detective firm will accompany you so that you can benefit from a more thorough investigation process. You will thus obtain a sufficiently clear image to project yourself into a possible partnership. You can do the first checks yourself; a detective firm will work more in-depth on the subject. Be careful, always complying with the laws (no Facebook account hacking, for example!).


    But beware, a background check of your potential future partner cannot be exhaustive. The role of the detective and to accompany you to make sense of things and validate the significant assets of any partnership.


    The information on social networks is to be taken with hindsight but gives a particular image of the future partner that he cannot ignore.


    Finally, trust your instincts, listen to the comments of your loved ones, ask for help from an investigation professional, but above all, in the end, make the decision alone!



    For more information on how to retain a Miami Private Investigator, contact Universal Investigations Agency, Inc. today at (954) 305-6275


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    By Victor Elbeze, Lead Investigator & Owner of UniversalInvestigations Agency, Inc.


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